Monday, 25 January 2010

Royston Lifelong Learning Centre Architectural Photography

Royston lifelong learning centre is yet another building designed by P+HS architects. The building is a wonderful community resource offering a Library, meeting rooms, a community cafe, a crèche and learning facilities. Royston lifelong learning centre also has a Biomass heat plant.

It is a wonderful light and airy building with some interesting space. The curved side of the building has window looking out into a small garden and breaks up the rectangular floor plan nicely.
I enjoy photography and particularly photographing new and interesting buildings. For this building I utilised both natural and artificial light offer the client a broad selection of images. Architectural photography is about discovering a building for yourself and trying to capture the nature of it for your client.

To catch up with all the news at P+HS architect have a look at thier blog:

To see further examples of my architectural photography see: