Friday, 2 October 2009

New Sunderland Bridge

I was lucky enough to be asked to photograph the media launch of the new bridge plans that well be built across the wear in Sunderland.

A bridge, between Wessington Way and Pallion, is needed as part of a new route into central Sunderland, and will ease traffic congestion, connecting major development for new business and new jobs. This design concept is a unique version of a cable stay bridge, which could be an iconic new symbol for the city. This project was costed at £133m.


New P+HS care centre in Cumbria

This fantastic little building is another commission for leading UK firm P+HS architects.  See...
With clever internal spaces and inner courtyards it was a pleasure to photograph.

Industrial Photography is a wondeful art.

Architectural Model Photography

Some samples of a commission I undertook to photograph an architect's model. For those of you with an interest in photography light the model with my Stellar Xtreme 300w AC/DC Flash System (as reviewed here  with two large soft-boxes and a black background.